A Letter From the CEO

Sunday, July 07, 2013

"There are always answers. We just have to be smart enough." -John Green

 To all of the people who tried to comment on the blog but couldn't:

Greetings! It has been brought to our attention that some readers have encountered issues when trying to post a comment on the blog. We apologize profusely for the inconvenience. Here at Walk In The Rain With Me, we are always doing our very best to make sure your experience is pleasant, jovial, diplomatic, and stress-free, and we would never wish unnecessary vexation on you. 

Please realize that we are doing everything we can (Ha!) to resolve this error, and your intentions are appreciated and admired. As someone once said, "Ever tried? Ever failed? No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better." Feel free to fail better in the comment section below!

We appreciate your time, and would like to apologize once again for this shameful, shocking, abhorrent, abominable, detestable, hideous, horrendous, and loathsome mistake. Thank you very much for being our ever faithful readers, and we hope you will join us again soon for another amazingly fantastic blog post!

Yours forever in business, 

The disgustingly rich CEO of Walk In The Rain With Me

 My Sister
The janitor

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