
Monday, October 27, 2014

This is Day 27 of a 31 Day writing challenge. To read more about my 31 Days series and to catch up on any posts you've missed, be sure to check out my post 31 Days of INSPIRE!

We're closing in on the end of 31 Days of INSPIRE! In fact, we only have four days left

One of the biggest reasons behind this series- and really, my blog as a whole- is my desire to encourage others. I want my life and my writing to have a positive impact on the people around me.

I want to remind people that there is always a reason to smile.

With so much evil in the world, it's easy to forget that there is also good. In a life full of ugliness and suffering, it's hard sometimes to see the beauty.

It is my hope today that you try a little harder to find some reason to smile. Maybe it's in the changing colors of fall and that first breath of autumn. Maybe it's in the innocence of a child or the act of making someone else smile.

Or perhaps you simply find it in the silence.


Today my question for you is what makes you smile? How could you share that with someone else, today? I'd love to hear what you have to say, so leave your response in the comment section below or over on my Facebook page!

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  1. So many things make me smile, the antics of my pets, getting a phone call from a beloved friend, seeing the delight in children's eyes when they grasp the concept that Jesus really loves them....I think we need to go out of our way sometimes to find those things that make us smile or do something to make others smile, but it's so worth it!

    1. Those are definitely things that would make me smile. Thank you for stopping by and leaving your thoughts!

  2. Tonight it was listening to my kids play together (and no tears). Sweet sounds that bring smiles.

  3. Right now, in this season, the beauty of fall is making me smile so much! And after living in the Kalahari Desert since 2011, it's my first fall since 2010!! :)

    1. Wow! So glad you're getting to enjoy autumn, again. It's one of my favorite seasons... Thank you for sharing that!

  4. I love this! So many things about fall make me smile – it's my favorite season. The crunchy, colorful leaves; apple-picking and baking pies; trips to the pumpkin farm with my family; soups and scary movies with friends.

    1. Autumn is my favorite season as well! I love all of the changing colors, the cooler weather... Autumn nights are some of my favorite parts of the year. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

  5. So much makes me smile! The beauty of Gods creation, my family and friends, the laughter of a child, infants, and the list goes on.

  6. Thanks for this challenge! It mostly makes me smile to meet people and listen to their stories. Being able to make them smile makes me smile, too. Have a great new week!

  7. Love your place on the web. Warm, inviting, and your self description is awesome :).
    What makes me smile?
    BABIES! I get all giddy and smiley when I am around a baby. A newborn generally brings smiles AND tears as my own babies are all grown up at this point.
    I hope my kiddos also have/find a collections of people in their lives that are willing to walk in the rain with them!
    Enjoy the often!
