Your Legacy

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

This is Day 21 of a 31 Day writing challenge. To read more about my 31 Days series and to catch up on any posts you've missed, be sure to check out my post 31 Days of INSPIRE!

I think one of the fundamental questions we all ask ourselves is "How are people going to remember me?"

No one wants to be forgotten. No one wants to believe that their life has meant nothing- regardless of what they may say.

We want to leave our mark on the world.

And I think that, regardless of how much money you have, or how many people knew your name, our how many views your blog gets, (or whatever), the thing that people will remember is how you lived your life and what you did for others.

The things I remember about other people are how they made a difference in my life, and this is how I want other people to remember me, too.


How do you want to be remembered? Don't forget to leave your response in the comment section below or over on my Facebook page!

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  1. I recently took a group of current students to see a former student in a show he was starring in. One of my 8th graders said, "Wow. This must be really weird for you- seeing an old student up there. You must be really proud." I said that I was and went on with the night. She later commented that she was surprised that I wasn't proud. I wrote her a note that night explaining that we chose our path every day and that I'm proud of current and former students for what they do every day, whether that is in front of 2000 people or completely alone. I wrote a few other things, including things I was proud of her for. At the end of the day she ran up to me and told me that my note was the nicest thing she's ever read. It took me 10 minutes to write that note and I think it meant a lot to that girl to read my thoughts.
    I have also had many people make a huge difference in my life. I want to remembered as someone who has positively impacted other people with my talents, resources or just personal investment. I think a huge way you can make a difference is by reminding others that their existence matters to you. There are so many lonely people in the world who are struggling with self worth. A little kindness goes a long way.

    1. Thank you for sharing that story! As someone who has difficulty remembering their importance sometimes, little experiences like that always mean so much to me. That's why I'm so passionate about reminding people how much they're worth. Again, thank you for sharing that with me!

  2. Leaving a legacy has been a big deal to me since I was your age, and now I have children older than you. I want to be remembered a someone who was passionate about passing the truths of Jesus to the next generation, a woman who loved to laugh, a woman who loved others with her entire being, and as a woman who lived out that God is good, God is bigger, and God is faithful!

    1. Thank you for sharing your heart with me! That's how I want to be remembered, too...

  3. That's such an important question. It's so easy to get caught up in the world's opinions and what everyone else might think is important (or what you think they think!). Knowing what matters is extremely important. I want to be remembered as someone who cared deeply for others and showed Christ's love with more than just words.

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me! It's definitely easy to forget what really matters in life, sometimes.

  4. I want to be remembered as a loving wife and good friend. Their opinions matter to me the most. Thank you for sharing this - it's something we should all think about as we live each day!

    1. Yes- I would rather be loved by a few than known by many... Thank you for sharing your thoughts today!

  5. This is something I have pondered over. I'm not sure who will remember me, but I know that God has me here to impact people, so I suppose the ones closest to me will remember.

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, today! Whether they realize it or not, I think everyone is loved and appreciated someone, and those people are going to remember you.

  6. I want to be remembered as a loving person who isn't afraid to stand up for others. It's so important for us to think about this. Thanks for asking. What legacy will I leave? I need to reflect on that question even more as I live my life!

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, today! I think we could all benefit from thinking about how we are impacting the world and the people around us. How much better could our country be if we all lived how we want to be remembered?
